Aspartame… (the word) may look like a 3rd grader trying to write a reflexive sentence about a once war hungry Grecian city . However in reality it is a nuerotoxin chemical that is found in loads of artificially sweetened soft drinks.
Here’s why its terrible.
It comes with a litany of unwanted effects not limited to, exacerbating diabetes but most important to this article is its deleterious effect on your libido and the ability to fully achieve erection. Unfortunately with the lie that diet sodas are somehow "not as bad" as regular soda, unwittingly, men are chemically castrating themselves.
But if its so harmful, why then is it so heavily consumed? Quite simply because it has a sweet taste perception. As you'll see the downside far outweighs any fleeting taste a diet soda can sate momentarily.
What exactly is Aspartame?
In a nutshell its two hundred times sweeter than sugar, and lasts longer.
Aspartame actually lingers on the tongue longer than actual sucrose (sugar). No wonder these products do so well.
How does Aspartame Lead to Erectile Dysfunction?
First it is fundamental to understand that the erection process is highly neurological. The entire erection process is like a symphonic work of everything thriving in sync; your brain is the wand swinging conductor. Neurotoxins stifle impulse passing between neurons. A neurotoxin is basically any chemical deemed as toxic to neurological function, the being front and center. A good rule of thumb to follow is that, if its not good for the brain.... its most likely not good for your sex life either- directly or indirectly.
Aspartame directly damages the Hypothalamus region of the brain. The portion is typically referred to as being responsible for testosterone production. And we are quite sure you're aware that lower testosterone levels in men causes a myriad of issues-- not the least of which is sexual problems-- sometimes chronic. Some studies have even found that this dangerous chemical can shrink testicles.
Wait it gets worse!
The excitation aspect of your cerebral cortex is directly involved with pleasure seeking and most appropriately sexual arousal, ie. receiving titillation from life in general.
Due to lack of testosterone production, and thus sexual activity, this part of your brain isn’t stimulated over the long term and thus, could begin to atrophy.
Aspartame is a serious neurotoxin, a cloaked dagger in Diet soda, pink packets and cheap candy. The bottom line is essentially to stay away from harmful neurological chemicals as they will not help at all in the bedroom and could become quite problematic over the long term.
Insofar as what Aether for Men can accomplish as it relates to client success is quite literally dependent on their ability to adjust their lifestyle to a more conducive one as it relates to sexual function. This article is not meant to be a referendum on diet sodas, as anything in moderation can be dealt with. However the principle of the matter stands-once you have knowledge of something, you can become empowered to take action. Aether for Men will target the physical process of increasing blood flow for sexual arousal to become easier. However chemically drinking poison is never a good idea, especially if its a habit. We hope this was informative if you have any further questions regarding the Aether for Men process please email us at or click on the tab to the right to chat.